Peter LaBarbera and the Leather Fest

Peter LaBarbera, the family man who runs Americans For Truth About Homosexuality from his basement, took his yearly trip to the International Mr. Leather in Chicago.  Yes, you heard me correctly.  Peter LaBarbera went in and proceeded to take numerous pictures of all the guys in leather, the leather clothing and everything else at the leather festival.  As his first picture shows, the event was private.  Did he go in that section?  We’ll never know, but I have my guess.

Of course this was all to expose the ‘homosexual agenda’ but in reality, this really says more about his own likes than it does about anything else.   

And poor Peter was so excited by what he saw and what he was going to expose to his reading public, that he exposed a couple of private parts that showed up in the covers of the videos!  Earlier today he had written (along with a picture that showed everything):

Consensual “slavery” books on sale at International Mr. Leather. The book at left is titled, ”Discipline, Obedience and Submission,” and the one at right is titled, “To Take a Slave.” 

And later today he decided that wasn’t such a good thing to show his own obsessions and wrote:

Consensual “slavery” books [nudity covered by us] on sale at International Mr. Leather. The book at left is titled, ”Discipline, Obedience and Submission,” and the one at right is titled, “To Take a Slave.” 

Sure enough, he put little black boxes over the guys privates (I have the original post in case anyone wants to see it).

Earlier he had also written:


The following are photos — there are others that we could not publish — from the “vendor fair” at nternational Mr. Leather 2006 and 2007, held both years on Memorial Day weekend at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel in Chicago:

But he also then added later:


The following are photos — there are others that we could not publish — from the “vendor fair” at International Mr. Leather 2006 and 2007, held on Memorial Day weekend (both years) at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel in Chicago. The photos were taken by this writer, walking through the IML vendor fair, which was open to the public:

Notice he can’t get himself to say that he had written it, but he had to refer to himself in the third person.

And just to finish out a be of editing, he wrote earlier:

Fascinating. A thrift shop owned by the Howard Brown Health Center, the leading “health” organization for Chicago homosexuals, sold used pornographic magazines at IML. When I asked whether they sold (condomless) “barebacking” magazines, the man attending the booth said that used to, but then stopped eight months ago at the direction of Howard Brown’s new executive director. So, until just eight months ago, a health organization devoted to the welfare of homosexuals was selling “barebacking” porn magazines to raise money, and continues to sell hard-core pornography to do so?! Where else but in the “gay” world would you find such bizarre contradictions and happenings? 

But later changed it:

Fascinating. The Brown Elephant – a thrift shop owned by the Howard Brown Health Center, the leading “health” organization for Chicago homosexuals – sold used pornographic magazines at IML 2007. When I asked whether they sold (condomless) “barebacking” magazines, the man attending the booth said that used to, but then stopped eight months ago at the direction of Howard Brown’s new president, Michael Cook. So, until just eight months ago, a health organization devoted to the welfare of homosexuals was selling “barebacking” porn magazines to raise money, and continues to sell hard-core pornography to do so?! Where else but in the “gay” world would you find such bizarre contradictions and happenings? 

I suppose he added the name of the executive director/president to make sure he gave a name for all his anti-gay friends to call…

Peter LaBarbera also mentions that there were many photos he couldn’t show (maybe because they were for his own special collection?).  He took at least 38 photos from 2006, but only showed 8.  He took at least 27 this year, and only showed 9 (you can see the photo number when you put your mouse over the picture).  Hmm.  Makes me wonder what he didn’t show…

I think next year someone should make sure and follow Peter through the International Mr. Leather and see what he really gets up to when he goes there.  If not that, then his picture should be posted all over and he should be booed out of the center. 

One more thing–I also found it funny that I recognize one of the guys in one of the pictures who works out at my gym.  I should have told Peter to tell him hi!  🙂 And when I see this guy in my gym, I am going to ask him if he remembered our little gay-hating friend Peter taking a picture of him…


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1 Response to Peter LaBarbera and the Leather Fest

  1. Nelson G. says:

    yeah, we need to find out whether he was there and was clad in leather himself.

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